Important Dates


 Opening of the Conference website  5 June 2014
 Call for panels  5 June 2014
 Deadline for panel proposals  1st September 2014
 Call for individual papers  15 September 2014
 Announcement of accepted panels  1st November 2014
 Deadline for submission of abstracts  1st December 2014
 Announcement of accepted papers  1st February 2015
 Online registration opens  1st February 2015
 Deadline for application for financial support  15 February 2015
 Announcement of financial support  15 March 2015
 Advisory deadline for hotel bookings*  1st April 2015
 Deadline for reduced rate registration  1st May 2015
 Deadline for online registration  15 June 2015
 Conference opens  6 July 2015
 Conference closes  10 July 2015

  *Since all hotels have limited capacity and July is a peak month for tourism, we recommend that you book as early as possible in order to ensure that you get accommodation.

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